I’ve cued up this YouTube clip to the 1:30 mark so you can see a large (assumedly drunk) lady going HAM on a skinny (assumedly drunk) lady in the stands at an Atlanta Hawks game. It’s got everything you’d want from a fan fight … admonishment from security, forced toplessness and a cameraman turning into one of the hyenas from The Lion King. HOO HOO HOOOO HOO HOO HOOOOOO
That first minute-thirty doesn’t explain a lot, either. We have no idea why these ladies were fighting. Those initial 90 seconds are very calm, so much so that the cameraman decides to film a child cheering and almost misses the fight. The eye before the storm, I guess.
Two lessons we can learn here:
1. Don’t be the type of person who gets into fights in stands at basketball games, and
2. If you ARE this kind of person, wear a thicker shirt.
[h/t Bob’s Blitz]