Boise State Is Tearing Down Buildings To Build A Quidditch Field

The 2013 Quidditch World Cup, or whatever it’s called, is taking place this weekend in Kissimmee, Florida, which is like the Taedong to Orlando’s Pyongyang, and yes, to answer the question that I know you’re all asking, I think Kate Upton is being rude by not responding to Spike Albrecht’s Tweet. But I will also have the Internet’s most extensive pre-World Cup coverage in the coming days, which means that today we can focus on just how big this made up sport is becoming.

Student groups from around the U.S. have already tried to make a case for Quidditch becoming an NCAA-sanctioned sport, despite it being a made up sport, and now Boise State University is actually demolishing buildings to make room for an actual Quidditch field. The construction of two new fields has already begun to meet the needs of the football and lacrosse teams, and once state approval is confirmed, a third field will be built for additional student use, including Quidditch competitions.

This summer and fall, clubs and the football team will share the grass field by the Student Union Building, but if plans are approved, that could change.

“Long term, we envision relocating the football program to the green field that will be built … over the applied tech areas,” said Everett.

That would involve demolishing the Diesel Technology Building where there is currently some student club storage, and the Applied Technology Building, where most tenants, except the campus printing shop, have already moved out. Most are now part of the College of Western Idaho. (Via KTVB)

You can’t tear down the Applied Technology building! It may seem empty, but that clearly means that Batman is using it for the development of his weapons and vehicles. Sure, Idaho seems like a strange place for Batman to be living and building his gadgets, but maybe Bruce Wayne is young and he’s going to start small by taking down Midwest meth labs before he moves on to the major crime syndicates of larger cities. Either way, Batman can’t save us if he can’t build his Batmobile, so cut it out, Boise State.