Delanie Walker is a tight end for the Tennessee Titans. According to his pregnant fiancee Racine, Delanie has been a no-good cheater for the better part of ten years (allegedly). We know this because Racine hacked into Walker’s Instagram post Saturday night and dished out some serious dirt.
Again, just to be clear, this is alleged. Delanie Walker could very well be an upstanding citizen who helps old ladies cross the street.
Here’s Racine’s spectacular rant:
This is my girlfriend/fiancee of 10 years. Her name is Racine,” she posted. “I broke up with her just a few days ago, like I do every February because I have no self control in the off season. I’m a “celebrity” and she no longer looks good enough for my “image” while I’m not playing football. She’s also 4 months pregnant so I figured it was the perfect time to take advantage of her.
Ok, well now this is getting super serious and super sad. She continues…
Kids, the lesson here is pretty simple: Don’t take your serious issues to Instagram. Additionally, don’t cheat on your baby’s mama (allegedly).
*UPDATE: Delanie Walker’s ex-fiancee, Racine Lewis, posted on her own Instagram today explaining why she did what she did. It’s very sad.
Via Deadspin:
Thank u to those who support me. What I did was out of my character, but I guess after so long a woman really does get fed up. For all of you saying its my fault I stayed for 10 years… your right, but easier said than done when you love someone. It was really the death of our baby boy back in 2010 that made me stay… Promises of another baby, gifts, family, marriage, lies…. All really enticing to a girl who is already broken. The difference between then and now is age, maturity.. I am much stronger these days. Yes, I was hella weak and easily manipulated back in the day. I don’t blame him entirely for being young, having money, and wanting his cake and eat it too.. But at this age, after 10 years, so many promises, and the start of a family I can no longer be weak. The last thing I want is our daughter to think it’s ok or normal to be disrespected by a man. So it stops now, before she is born, one way or another. If we didn’t love each other, we wouldn’t have made it this far.. But love without trust, loyalty, or respect was bound to crumble. I made the move all the way to TN for him.. To love and support him like I always have. I told him all I want is trust loyalty and respect for one year.. If he could do that then I would marry him. But he failed, and I’m disgusted at this point. I want my daughter to have a father.. I want what every woman wants… Family, stability, trust. Lord knows..
Now check out…
Let’s Redesign Every NFL Logo As Donald Trump And Make The League Great Again
by David Rappoccio

Trump Trump Trump Trump. That’s basically been the news cycle (and all of our Facebook feeds) for the past three months. Oh look, Donald Trump said a racist thing! Oh look, Donald Trump is a jerk! Oh look, Tom Brady is Donald Trump’s friend! What a shocker! I can’t believe that a super rich megastar athlete personally knows another super rich person.
But enough about Tom Brady. This is about Donald Trump. Trump and football go way back. Trump was once the owner of the New Jersey Generals of the USFL. He wanted to own a football team so badly that he tried to force the USFL to stop playing games in spring and instead play in fall against the NFL in the hopes of forcing a merger. The plan did not work. If you’d like to know more, I’d suggest the excellent 30 for 30 on the subject. Trump never obtained ownership of an NFL team and hasn’t been able to secure it to this day. So, he killed one league to get into another, and failed anyway. Huh, maybe Trump is as good for football as he is for a presidential candidate.
Anyway, if he were my boss, he’d have already fired me for taking too long to get to the point, and for being a millennial liberal who makes art for the Internet. Time for Donald to finally get his wish: his name and face all over the NFL. I hope you are ready for a lot of hair jokes.
Arranged by division:
Then, as a cute little bonus, here is Donald Trump as Bucco Bruce:
And here, of course, are all my previous logo glories:
Halloween (NBA)
Male Genitalia