The Lions Are The Worst Rushing Team In The NFL Because Of Dumb Plays Like This

The Detroit Lions are 0-3. They are not a good football team. They’re not good on offense, they’re not good on defense, and they’re not good on special teams. Oftentimes, they have trouble performing the most simple of football tasks, like blocking and tackling.

Take for example this play from Sunday night’s loss to the Denver Broncos. It features backup TE Tim Wright doing something. What that something is remains a mystery. I believe the kids are calling this the “Nae Nae.” Or is that the “Whip?”

The Lions are dead last in the NFL in rushing. Part of that has to do with the putrid offensive line, one that’s missing key players because of injury. The other part is Joique Bell, the Lions’ starting RB who has 20 rushes for 22 yards on the season. Yes, you read that right. He has a 1.1 yard per rush average. That’s not good, even behind a bad offensive line. And when you add in Tim Wright’s “ole,” well, it’s not hard to see why the Lions are struggling to move the ball in short down situations. Or any situation, for that matter.

Hopefully the team gets back to basics this week. Things like not falling down when no one is around are a good place to start.

(Vine via Chris Trapasso)