Devon Still Thanked Sean Payton For Supporting His Daughter’s Cause In A Heartwarming Interview

The NFL is a dumpster fire right now. I think we all know that. I think we’re all aware the league turned a blind eye to domestic violence issues. I think we’re all aware they bungled the Adrian Peterson child abuse case. But if you weed through all the crap, if you push aside the NFL’s giant turd, there is the story of Devon Still—a father trying to do all he can for his 4-year-old daughter with cancer.

Devon Still’s story is well documented. He went unsigned after the preseason only for the Bengals to place him on the practice squad because his daughter needed health insurance. Then, as if the story couldn’t get any better, Still’s jersey became one of the top selling in team history with proceeds going to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

One of the people responsible for a large chunk of those jersey sales was the New Orleans Saints and specifically coach Sean Payton. Today, ESPN’s Mike and Mike put the two on the phone together and I’m sorry, is someone cutting onions in here? Stop cutting onions you guys.

The Devon Still jersey bonanza has raised over $400k for pediatric cancer research. So yeah there’s good stories in the NFL. There’s people like Marvin Lewis and Sean Payton who are doing their best to make a positive contribution to the league. God bless them.