Free Fantasy Baseball With FanDuel Happens Tonight, Sign Up And Win $500

Here’s a quick illustration of my fantasy baseball prowess:

1. Pick the best guys in baseball.

2. Watch them have their worst game ever, all at once.

3. Watch Ben Francisco or whoever hit 5 home runs.

4. Find out everybody but me drafted Ben Francisco.

5. Finish 745th out of 600, win zero dollars.

But because you are not me, you’ve got a great chance of winning money and should sign up for our free fantasy baseball game with FanDuel. Here’s how it works:

The cash in question is a $500 cash pool, so as long as your 8 best guys don’t spend Friday night grounding out you’re guaranteed a dollar or two. And that’s an important note: the game happens tonight, so if you’re reading this, hop on over to FanDuel right now and set up your squad.

Then come back here and drop a comment about who you picked, because I can’t suffer the shame of being me at this much longer.