Good News: Kate Upton Did Another Fashion Shoot. Bad News: She Looks Too Skinny?

Last week, With Leather’s 2011 Celebrity Sports Fan of the Year Kate Upton teased us by Tweeting the first shots from her latest fashion shoot with photographer Yu Tsai for Contributor Magazine. Of course, that led to me singing Better Than Ezra’s “Good” for the better part of a day, but it’s always worth it when we have some new Kate photos to appreciate.
On Tuesday, Contributor finally posted the entire shoot, and I’ll just go ahead and state the obvious – Kate is welcome to come clean my house whenever she wants. But as I have a terrible tendency of doing, I started to scroll through the comments on the site’s post, expecting to see the Internet’s battle cry of “Look at this fatty moo cow!” or “Go back to your farm and graze, you fat cow!” or “Oh God, I hate my life so much, time to make fun of this model by lying to myself about how she’s obese!” You know, stuff like that.
Instead, I was actually quite shocked.

I included that last one because, well, it’s probably the best comment I’ve ever seen regarding Kate Upton.
But first she’s too fat and now she’s too skinny. Poor Kate just can’t win. I’m sure we’ll joke about this when she and I buy our private island and raise our family of gorgeous bloggers for years to come, but that doesn’t mean the insults don’t sting. Go ahead and see for yourself just how coke rail drinking straw disgusting Kate looks in her latest shoot.
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