Guerlain Chicherit's World Record Jump In A Mini Did Not Go As Planned

French daredevil Guerlain Chicherit (pronounced Gary Chee-chee-ree by me) tried to take on the world record for the longest car jump yesterday in Tignes, France. The key word her is TRIED, because unless the folks at Guinness have lightened up on their rules about landing jumps and not flipping the car several times before taking a terrifying tumble, it’s safe to say that unlike in his previous automobile backflip attempt, Chicherit failed this time.

The daredevil was fine, despite how scary his crash landing looked, and he only had to stay in the hospital overnight for precautionary measures. But he was sure to take to Facebook to let everyone, and especially his sponsors, know that he was fine with the very special message: “Cheers everybody !!! Thanks a lot for all your supports !!! I have to stay to the hospital for the night just for safety, I’m all ok !!! ‘Success is not final, failure isn’t fatal: it’s the courage to continue that counts.’ – Churchill”

This guy’s Facebook posts are like Vin Diesel just discovered the power of exclamation points.