High School Volleyball Star Brie Lewis Can Beat You Sitting Down

If you can’t make out what’s happening in that picture, Brie Lewis of St James Academy (KS) is winning a volley from her ass by kicking a ball she’d just saved with her thigh. That’s a lot of italics, but she deserves them.

That’s why you should watch this clip. It’s a high school volleyball star going the extra mile and then going five EXTRA extra miles to save the ball no matter what. I’m not sure I ever knew you were even ALLOWED to kick the volleyball, and I say that as a dude who secretly thinks he could Shaolin spin-kick a ball in play and not just helplessly fall down. Brie Lewis is really, really good at volleyball.

The secondary reason why you should watch the clip is the commentary, wherein a few gentlemen in the crowd cannot handle how awesome the volleyball is. They’re hliarious. OH HO HO HO HO HO. OH HO HO HO HO HO. GET ‘IM. etc.


(You don’t say.)

[BWO Reddit]