Police in Tokyo have arrested Ikki Kodukai, 24, for allegedly cutting off his lawyer’s penis with a pair of garden shears. He then took the severed penis and flushed it down the toilet.
Kodukai, a Japanese graduate student and boxer, had suspected his 42-year-old lawyer of sleeping with his wife, so, out of revenge, he reportedly showed up to his office on Thursday morning and attacked him. Kodukai got in several punches on the lawyer, but, apparently, that was not enough, as he then took it to whole other level by stripping off his pants and “severing a body part” with a pair of garden shears, then flushing the body part down the toilet. Afterwards, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department confirmed that the severed body part was indeed the lawyer’s penis.
The lawyer, who has not been named, is receiving hospital treatment, but his immediate condition was not known. Witnesses claimed that although he’d lost a lot of blood, his life was not in any danger.
It was not immediately clear where Kodukai got the garden shears. Did he find them in the office and improvise, or did he plan ahead and bring them from home? We will be sure to update this story if that detail becomes available.
(via Daily Mail)