‘Jeopardy!’ Champ Austin Rogers Has Been Dethroned And Twitter Is Sad To See Him Go

Game shows have an uncanny ability to create modern folk heroes, and the latest was Austin Rogers of Jeopardy! fame. The eccentric nerd managed to dominate the show for 12 games straight before being defeated by a mere $51 by stay-at-home mom Scarlett Simms. Still, Rogers was gracious in defeat and still managed to take home $411,000, which is no small sum.

Rogers also tweeted out his congratulations and will be returning for the upcoming Tournament Of Champions.

The quirky bartender said in a statement that he did better on the show than he exected and isn’t quite sure yet how he’s going to spend all that cash.

“I set myself a goal of two wins, and I exceeded that expectation. I mean, I always wanted validation that I’m smarter than everyone, and now, when in an argument, I can just say ‘scoreboard!’ and point to an imaginary Jumbotron.

It would be really nice to just on a whim decide to go to an Arsenal [soccer] match. Or, like, Estonia. I’ve also wondered if a Steinway piano is a good investment.”

While Rogers may be content with his run, fans on Twitter are certainly sad to see him go.






He’s no Ken Jennings, but it was a good run.

(Via Cleveland)