The Woman Who Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh Helped After A Car Crash Had ‘No Idea’ Who He Was

Jim Harbaugh
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After a woman lost control of her car in icy conditions in Michigan on Tuesday and crashed, she found help from an unlikely source: Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh. The assistance was big news, but it wouldn’t have meant much to Christine Mowrer had she been watching from the couch instead of being the one helped.

Simply put, she didn’t know who he was.

Via Ben Freed of The Ann Arbor News:

“They took care of me until the ambulance got there,” Mowrer said. “I didn’t even know who he was until the state police told me later.”


“I had blood dripping out of my nose and he helped me out and got me onto the ground,” she said.

“He got coats and blankets on us and put up an umbrella to block the wind. He probably kept me from going into shock. He was very, very nice.”

“They” being Harbaugh and director of football operations Jim Minick. Harbaugh and Minick came to the rescue after Mowrer and her mother Katherine Brinkley hit the median and flipped over it going west on I-94 on their way to the airport.

The two Michigan men stopped and helped out, providing their Good Samaritan duty for the day/week/month/year.

Freed got in contract with Michigan athletic department spokesman David Ablauf, who commented on the act.

“They believe they were doing what any other individual would do for another when they stopped and assisted,” Ablauf said in an email to Freed.

The Harbaugh era is off to a solid start. He’s got players flipping in practice. His Twitter account is as weird as it ever was at Stanford. And now he’s providing roadside assistance to local residents. He’s one saving a cat stuck in a tree away from being elected mayor of Ann Arbor before he ever coaches a game.