I know that header image is blurry, but it has to be, for comedic effect.
Yesterday we shared Dwayne Wade’s photobombing cartwheel, and it was hilarious and great. Imagine how much greater and more hilarious if he’d cartwheeled by against his will because somebody’d just trucked him.
Meet Lake Erie Monsters player Karl Stollery. He’s the one doing a full body flip thanks to a hit from Darren Archibald of the Utica Comets. The impact is brutal and the fan response is perfect. You need that OOOOHHHHH as an exclamation point. I can’t decide if it’s more of a cartwheel or a backflip, though. It actually reminds me of the Rikishi bump. You decide:
Now retiring from hockey forever: Karl Stollery.
[h/t to Nosebleeds]