Louisiana Tech’s Offensive Linemen Are Sexy (And They Know It)

In the funniest ‘Sexy And I Know It’-related sports news since the Miami Heat celebrated the douchiest NBA Championship win in history by rapping with LMFAO, the offensive linemen of Louisiana Tech have uploaded a video of themselves dancing and lip syncing to the pop hit/M&M’s anthem while what I’m assuming are webcam-supplied lights flash above them. It’s exactly the kind of thing you record when you find out your new computer has Photo Booth, and I’m happy they put it on the Internet.

The YouTube description:

*No copyright infringement intended.*

Important question: What was intended?

Video is after the jump. I’m pretty excited for this time next year when ‘Gangnam Style’ finally finds its way to Louisiana.

Deep video analysis from Frank Schwab at Dr. Saturday:

The stars of the show are Matthew Shepperd (66), Josh Parrish (73), Jordan Mills (78) and Stephen Warner (63). Shepperd really steals it, mostly because he’s able to keep a straight face every time he wiggles into view from off to the side – which becomes increasingly hilarious as the video goes on. Mills seems to realize the goofiness of it all because he cracks up just about the entire time. Warner and Parrish bust some moves too. Parrish looks like he’d be a fun guy to have at the club.

I think a person should strive to ONLY go to clubs accompanied by collegiate linemen. Totally changes the experience.