Manchester U. Fans Win This Round

A new study by the social media service FanGager has determined that the “fans” on Manchester United’s Facebook page are the most active of any fan page on Mark Zuckerberg’s cash cow. Out of the Top 15 fan pages listed in the study, Man U. ranks 8th in the actual number of fans at 9,915,504 (as of the study’s end) but the club’s 256,206 “active” fans gives the page the highest active percentage at 2.6%. Finishing second was Justin Bieber’s Facebook fan page, which means that the teenage singer is officially worse than soccer.

According to Wired:

Launched in the U.S. one month ago, FanGager uses Facebook and Twitter open APIs to track social activity and brand engagement. After producing a report for a brand, FanGager offers a selection of applications that allow companies to build fan activity and engagement.

“Brands have been collecting fans and followers for some time,” Eran Gefen, FanGager’s founder and CEO, told in a recent interview. “But the real question is not how many fans you have, but how many active and engaged fans you have.”

And that’s true, because the active fans are those who are stupid enough to click on the advertising links that Khloe Kardashian sends out in order to collect $10,000 per click.

Aside from pop culture sensations like Bieber, Glee, Jersey Shore, Ke$ha and Britney Spears, Man U. also topped popular sports pages like Real Madrid C.F. and FC Barcelona, while the Kansas City Royals fan page fell just short*.

*Of having 1 fan. Burn.