Marcus Peters Raised His Fist And The Chiefs Locked Arms During The National Anthem

The Kansas City Chiefs came together during the national anthem on Sunday and locked arms with one another. One player, defensive back Marcus Peters, decided to take the act of unity one step further when he raised his right fist into the air.

This was not a spontaneous decision by the Chiefs, which host the San Diego Chargers on Sunday afternoon during the NFL’s opening weekend. The team released a statement which said that there were multiple “thoughtful discussions” among everyone regarding how to approach this week’s version of the anthem, and eventually, the decision was made to lock arms “as a sign of solidarity.”

Of course, plenty of people have been looking forward to how various players and teams would react to the national anthem this weekend. San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick has remained seated or on one knee during the anthem all preseason, and some people have joined in with him on his protest. While there have been plenty of detractors within the NFL, his protest has mostly seemed like it has the support of people across the league.

But no one has done what Peters did by raising his fist in the air. Earlier this week, Peters said that he was 100 percent behind Kaepernick’s decision to protest, saying “I feel that what was going on in law enforcement, it does need to change. It does need to change for all, equal opportunities for everybody, not just us as black Americans. I feel that over the past year it’s been displayed what’s been going on across America and over across the world.”

(via SB Nation)