Say Hello To Cam Awesome, The Taylor Swift Of Boxing

Lenroy Thompson was a solid amateur boxer and an Olympic hopeful. However, after a suspension from the US Anti Doping Agency for failing to provide his whereabouts for out of competition testing, Thompson had to change some things up.

He became Cam F. Awesome, and while he’s still got those Olympic aspirations, he’s going about things with a lot more flair now.

Back on Friday, Cam was at the PanAm games, and though he lost a judges decision in the semi-finals, ultimately earning a bronze medal, his post-fight interview was pure gold. According to Awesome:

“Some people say you’re the Taylor Swift of boxing. I’m not saying I am the Taylor Swift of boxing, but I’m not not saying I’m the Taylor Swift of boxing…

“After the third round, I was like ‘Oh, Cam, freedom beat communism'”

When asked about his opponent’s strength, Cam had this to say:

“He threw some good body shots, but core game on 100. I do sit ups, so it didn’t really effect me that much.”

And as for the controversial nature of the decision (Cam believes he took the first two rounds), Awesome offered this:

“I would have given myself that fight if I was a judge. But I would say, ‘Hey Cam, you’re so fast. You’re working the judges’ table and you’re in the ring? Keep up the good work.'”

Good luck to Cam in his upcoming bouts, and hopefully he can bring some Awesome to the 2016 Olympics.