‘Netflix And Chill’ Does Not Mean What This Minor League Team Thinks It Means

When it comes to marketing, it’s all about the young demographic. So when you’re a Double-A baseball team that will do anything to get the kids into your building, you’ll employ that hip terminology the teens use on the Facebook (or whatever).

“Netflix And Chill” is one of those terms, but it’s quite possible the person who thought of this promotion for the Binghamton Mets didn’t understand the ramifications.

The Mets deleted the tweet asking fans to #NetflixAndChill with the #BMets, which is a shame because it’s a tweet with two hashtags and we all know #hashtags are #brand #influencers on #social #platforms (or whatever). But it’s likely once this tweet was sent out, perhaps by a man in his 40s reading a book called “Teen Talk: Talking To Teens,” someone much younger pointed out the meaning of “Netflix And Chill.”

And if you still don’t know, it’s just code for watching Netflix and having sex, which, come on. What’s the big deal? No one coming to the park is expecting sex with the second baseman and the rules of society state having sex in a public place is illegal, so it’s not as though the Mets are endorsing that. Some parks have nights where you can bring dogs; as an allergy sufferer, two people getting frisky during the sixth inning is way better for my sinuses.

Saying “Netflix And Chill” when the chill is talking about the weather is funny. Here’s to hoping no one got fired over this.