Oh My God, The University Of Tulsa Has A Puppy Ambassador

As part of our ongoing 73 Sports Movies In 73 Days series, Burnsy put together a week of Air Bud film retrospectives, covering a dog’s “there ain’t no rule says a dog can’t play X” adventures in basketball, football, soccer, baseball and volleyball. If it’d gone on any further we would’ve been stuck covering shit like Air Bud: UFC Women’s Pant-amweight Champion. What I’m getting at is that despite what the header image suggests, this is not another goddamn Air Bud post. This is something wonderful.

This is GOLDIE, a five-month-old golden retriever who, for whatever reason, has been chosen as the “four-legged ambassador” for the University of Tulsa.

Kayla Acebo, TU’s vice president of institutional advancement, said Goldie will attend the pregame tailgate party on Chapman Commons and then will begin her duties as TU’s first live mascot in decades.

“I can’t imagine anything more adorable,” Acebo said, “than seeing a golden retriever with a Hurricane flag cape draped around her neck running with the cheerleaders and leading the mighty Golden Hurricane out onto the field on game day.”

Goldie’s still too young for all that. Born March 21 in Pecan Gap, Texas, she’s still in basic training in Oklahoma City, and this season likely will ride in a golf cart.

I think “the puppy has to ride in a golf cart” is more adorable, but what do I know?

Goldie makes her debut at a “Bark in the Park” event for the MiLB Tulsa Drillers on August 21. If you haven’t already frantically scrolled around looking for a video of Goldie in action, here is that:

Meet Goldie University of Tulsa’s newest four legged ambasador. from Tulsa World on Vimeo.

To BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH ADORABLENESS, here’s how Goldie was selected.

“She just kept jumping out to me as the one that was very nicely middle-of-the-road,” Owen said. “She wasn’t the one going around jumping on everybody all the time. There weren’t any that were shrinking violet or very shy. She wanted to play all the time, but then when you picked her up, she just melted in your arms and was just very soft, and that’s what we need. That’s what we’re looking for specifically for this job.”

[via TulsaWorld]