This Hit On Missouri’s Maty Mauk Wasn’t Exactly Street Legal

Southeast Missouri State isn’t going to beat Missouri. And when you’re playing an unwinnable game, sometimes you get a little bit frustrated. When you get a little bit frustrated, you tend to resort to drastic measures. Take sophomore Kendall Donnerson, who saw an opportunity to put a cheap shot on Tigers’ quarterback Maty Mauk and went with it.

It’s a huge hit, sure, but it’s one you just can’t do. Hitting the quarterback hard when you’re allowed to is great. We laud those plays and those big sacks, but going for it just to go for it? That’s going to get you a penalty and a stern talking to from your coach. And it might just make that power conference school want to drive the nail in a little bit deeper if it starts to become a blowout.

(Vine via Rock M Nation)