Steven Stamkos Had A Hat Trick And Earned Himself A New Groupie

It’s going to be difficult for any team and player to top what the San Jose Sharks and, more specifically, Tomas Hertl did to the New York Rangers earlier this week, which included a 9-2 win capped off by Hertl’s fourth goal that he flipped through his legs, but the Tampa Bay Lightning gave it their best shot last night. The Lightning defeated the Florida Panthers 7-2 on the back of the flashy Steven Stamkos and his hat trick, which is cool, I guess.

It’s not 4 goals, with one of those goals being flipped between his legs and all, but a hat trick is still impressive. In fact, it was impressive enough that it earned Stamkos this groupie; however, I cannot confidently determine if she’s just an adorable teen with a schoolgirl crush on her favorite athlete or if she wants to wear his skin to their cat wedding.

Okay, scratch that. It’s definitely the latter. Keep an eye over your shoulder, Stamkos.

(GIF via Cork Gaines)