Transaction Tuesday Morning Links

Just kidding. For a header, here is an awesome rap video.


So Long and Thanks for All the Puppies – Matt Ufford is leaving Warming Glow, so I wanted to take a moment on this sports comedy blog he created to thank him for everything. Him going “hey, you should let this guy write” is the only reason I’m a part of the UPROXX family, and I’ll never forget that. P.S. you really should’ve put me in charge of Warming Glow, because I mean seriously [Warming Glow]

10 of the Greatest Comic Book Video Games – The list goes 1. Arkham Asylum, 2. Arkham City, 3. Captain America And The Avengers in the arcade, 4. that one Spider-Man game for the Sega CD with the Mr. Big soundtrack, 5. All Others. [Gamma Squad]

Crossface Chickenwing Rhymes: 7 Hip-Hop Lines About Bob Backlund – The best post in the history of the Smoking Section. DON’T EXACERBATE ME! [Smoking Section]

The Best Of #April Ludgate – If Annie Edison didn’t exist, she’d be my TV girlfriend. “Oh sorry guys, sorry I’m late. I got confused and took a shower after I got dressed ’cause I’m Jerry.” [UPROXX]

That Time Nic Cage Was On The Cover Of A Serbian Biology Textbook – Why does he keep randomly showing up places? He was on one of the rides at the Texas State Fair, too. Is he the Black Racer? Am I going to die? [Film Drunk]

Meme Watch: Hippo Coworker Is On The Other Side Of Your Cubicle Wall – You get that thing I sent you? [UPROXX]

7 Popular Songs That Are Too Rapey – “Hello” shouldn’t be on here, but “E.T.” by Katy Perry should. I feel weird when the little girl playing Just Dance at the Best Buy is shaking a Wiimote to “ready for abduction”. [Buzzfeed]

“Where Are The Great Movies?” Asks The Director Of Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull – Terrible journalism that makes up a headline and nobody reads the body. He didn’t say there are no good movies, he said he’d rather watch older films because they’re more romanticized. Jesus, reading comprehension, everybody. [FARK]

The Original Ending to ‘The Muppets’ Was Much Better – I’d like to think the |Moviefone|

‘Community’ Wins TV Guide Magazine Fan Favorite Poll – Too bad it can’t win any “fans watching television” contests. [AOL TV]

Brace Yourself, You’re About To Like Tyler Perry – Not even clicking this. I don’t want to live in a world where I have a three dimensional view of Tyler Perry, I just want to think of him as Ma Dukes from ‘The Boondocks’. [Pajiba]

A Collection of Masked Movie Posters – The Saw poster sorta looks like a Stormtrooper. I don’t know, all these minimalist things are making me love busy-ass posters. [Unreality]