Wyoming coach Dave Christensen wants his team to be fast. How fast, you ask? So fast that he’s willing to spend all day in photoshop to illustrate it.
The problem is that Dave isn’t exactly a photoshop wizard, so the 2013 Wyoming Cowboys will have to settle for being motivated by an extended gag from an Ashley Burns post. Ladies and gentlemen, behold, auteur Dave Christensen’s masterpiece FastNFurious 13: All Roads Lead To The Endzone.
1. Why is Fast & Furious 13 coming out this fall? Isn’t part 6 being released in a few days?
2. What happens in Fasts 7-12 to transition these guys from street racers to college football players? Is Fast 9 about Paul Walker going back to school?
3. Who’s car is that? Dave’s?
4. What play are they running where everybody has a football? Is Wyoming so fast that they’re doing all their plays at once?
5. Who is that shadow character trying to stop them? Is he part of the car?
You’re really losing me here, Dave. And I liked Tokyo Drift.
[h/t to Dr. Saturday]