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It’s not normally condoned for grown men to bring their mitts to a baseball game, but we might want to make an exception for this poor guy. Imagine, if you will, that you’re attending an important game at Yankee Stadium as your team is trying to stay atop the Wild Card standings. You have excellent, front-row seats in prime foul-ball territory. Things are looking good. But oops, you manage to muff not one, not two, but THREE foul balls that make their way in your direction.
That exact scenario happened to this young gentleman in the button-down shirt. Then, to make matters worse, the woman who appeared to be accompanying him to the game could not control her laughter afterwards. There’s really no recovering from that.
Can you imagine if that was a first date? How would the follow-up phone call go the next day?
“So, did you have fun last night? Yeah, I get those seats from time to time; my boss has season tickets. It’s a pretty good deal. Anyway, I may be able to get my hands on tickets to the Wild Card game. Would you be interested?”
“I’m looking at us all over the Internet right now.”
“Sorry about that.”
[via MLB]