Zac Efron Poses With His Olympic Medal-Winning Doppelganger In Rio

Michael Hixon is an American Olympic diver who placed 10th in the Mens’ 3m springboard in Rio and picked up a silver medal in the Mens’ 3m synchronized springboard with his partner Sam Dixon.

However, he (unfortunately) might be more famous for looking like actor Zac Efron than he is for his athletic achievement. Efron already made headlines this Olympics for his meet-up with Simone Biles, and now the Dirty Grandpa star is at it again, this time posing for a photo with his supposed doppelganger.

I personally…don’t really see it? I mean sure they’re both good-looking guys in their 20s, but the supposed “uncanny resemblance” that some are proclaiming on social media is alluding me altogether.

Nevertheless, Hixon is enjoying the extra bit of fame that comes along with him appearing on a celebrities’ Instagram page, as he joked on his own account that he had tapped Efron for a run in synchronized diving at the 2020 games in Tokyo.

They may come in last, but it would definitely be good for the ratings at least.