The 10 TV Channels That Could Disappear Without Anyone Noticing

I’m sorry, hypothetical person who reads UPROXX and watches SOAPnet for anything other than Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls repeats: your home for all things yogurt commercials will soon be no more. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Walt Disney Co. will pull the plug on the cable channel it created 14 years ago to squeeze extra life from its popular daytime dramas…to make space for Disney Junior, a channel for toddlers.”

Once again, babies have led to the downfall of women(‘s programming). Few will mourn SOAPnet’s passing, though, especially around these parts, where All My Children is less the name of a television program than it is, “Time to pay child support already?” What other channels could go to the Great PlayCable in the Sky without anyone noticing?

Great American Country
Sample programming: Into America’s West with Jeff Corwin

History 2
Sample programming: Mega Disasters

Sample programming: Mystery Detectives

Live Well
Sample programming: My Family Recipe Rocks!

MTV Hits
Sample programming: music videos?

Smile of a Child TV
Sample programming: Adventures in Booga Booga Land

The Soundtrack Channel
Sample programming: a lot of The Bodyguard, I’m assuming

This TV
Sample programming: mostly old episodes of Sea Hunt

TV Guide Network
Sample programming: Standup in Stilettos

Sample programming: Chasing the Yum

(Via LA Times)