The “Community” cast is featured in the new comedy issue of Entertainment Weekly in a great photo shoot that has them recreating scenes from Animal House (above), Porky’s, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High (following pages). And yes, before you ask: Alison Brie is in the red bikini a la Phoebe Cates. Brie says:
“It was a bit intimidating, because if you’ve seen Phoebe Cates rocking that red bikini — it’s a tough act to follow. It’s really an homage to her, and comparisons do not need to be drawn. She’s the winner. Let’s just leave it at that.”
I have to agree with her. Phoebe Cates is still number one for her slo-mo reveal. But I know a way that Alison could take the top spot. *mimes unclasping bikini top* …No? Fine. Be a prude about it, Ali, see if I keep devoting half of my blog content to you. You’ll live to regret this!
(click pictures to enlarge)