ATTENTION ASPIRING TELEVISION-TYPES: Take all your spec scripts and original pitches, print them out, and throw them straight into the garbage. The hot new trend in Hollywood is Twitter Tumblr! Television executives are scouring the hip social media platform looking for irreverent, young voices, and handing them the keys to the kingdom! Said one executive, “We have to think ‘What’s cool today? What’s now?’ Twitter Tumblr is the new spec script Twitter. We have to adapt just like everybody else.”
Wow! What a day to be alive! Why, just look at this hip, fresh twist on an age-old story…
NBC has put in development F*ck I’m In My Twenties, a half-hour comedy project based on the Tumblr blog of 24-year-old Emma Koenig, which also has spawned a book. The project, from BermanBraun and Universal Television, chronicles a woman’s experience as a twentysomething living in the big city. It will reflect the reality today’s generation is facing post-graduation as does Koenig’s blog, which consists of hand-drawn musings (like the one on left) about the plight of today’s millennials. It has drawn comparisons to the TV show of another twentysomething female creator, Lena Dunham’s Girls. [Deadline]
… and this rags-to-riches tale of Hollywood fame:
This is a story that would inspire all the hard-working, underpaid assistants in Hollywood. Five months ago, one of them started a Hollywood Assistants Tumblr blog where assistants share their grievances, illustrating them with snippets from movies and TV shows. Now she has sold a TV comedy to CBS inspired by the blog, which has Fred Savage attached to direct and executive produce. The blog’s creator had vowed to remain anonymous until she sold a TV project, so we can now reveal her identity — Lauren Bachelis. Bachelis will write and serve as supervising producer on the project, titled 20-Nothings, which revolves around five over-educated 20-nothings living in Los Angeles who do whatever it takes to achieve their Hollywood dreams. [Deadline]
Talk about hot trends! So, remember everyone, that little tweet post you sent out last night when you got home from the LCD Soundsystem Black Keys concert could be your big break. After all, it’s 2010 2012. It’s practically the future.
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