Let’s GIF Weird: The Best GIFs And Images From Last Night’s ‘Workaholics’

Now that was more like it. After last week’s lackluster booger-laden episode, the guys returned to form last night with their horror parody — “A TelAmerican Horror Story.” I would have gone with “Non-Wayans Brother Actually Scary Scary Movie,” but that’s just me splitting hairs.

I don’t think I’ve ever tuned into Workaholics for a single storyline (and probably wouldn’t unless BieberHole69 made a reappearance), so despite the commendable effort — complete with a closeted Robert Englund cameo and creepy running kids silhouettes — it was the one-liners and running jokes that did it for and will keep me coming back. In particular…

  • “I f*cking love tits, you guys.”
  • “My aunt gave Gary Paulsen a handjob and he gave us like a ton of free books.”
  • “You can’t say the words ‘children’ and ‘passion’ and have your face.”
  • “Read the label, sweetheart. DP10: Not for women.”
  • “I’m not just sure. I’m HIV Positive.”
  • “You taught yourself Spanish. You can make it through this, muchAYcho.”

Heart your delivery, Devine. Unfortunately the world wide web has somewhat let us down with their GIF and image making efforts today. Here’s the best I could find…






