The Long-Awaited 'Arrested Development' Soundtrack Will Feature A Full-Length Version Of 'Getaway'

I have good news, more good news, and very, very bad news for you. First, the good: According to Arrested Development composer David Schwartz, there’s finally going to be a soundtrack for the show hitting iTunes in the near-ish future. And it will feature a full-length version of Season 4’s hyper-catchy ditty, “Getaway.”

The bad news? You are probably going to have to throw yourself in front of a bus to get “Getaway” out of your head.

Arrested composer David Schwartz tells TV Guide Magazine that he’s now working on a full-length version of “Getaway,” part of a long-awaited Arrested Development soundtrack. Schwartz is currently putting together the soundtrack, which is expected to include both songs and score from all four seasons of the cult favorite comedy. [TV Guide]


Schwartz says a medley of songs from the Fantastic Four knockoff musical will likely be featured on the soundtrack; he’s also pushing to include an expanded version of “Balls in the Air,” the 1980s-style power anthem from Season 3. “There are hundreds of pieces [that could wind up on the soundtrack], but I think I’ve cut it down to 40 or 50 so far,” Schwartz says of selecting the songs. “I’ve received so many requests and now I’m trying to whittle it down.”

Oo-OO-oo-OO-WOO-OO. Yeah. C’mon.

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