The Internet had a lot of fun with John Travolta‘s inability to pronouce Idina Menzel‘s name at The Oscars. A lot of fun. From E!:
E! News confirmed that Travolta was present during the Academy Awards rehearsal on Saturday, and a source tells us the celeb had no problem pronouncing Menzel’s name.
“He knew how to say her name,” the source said. “No one knows what happened. Maybe nerves just got the best of him.”
A likely story and believable. But Conan uncovered the truth behind it all and proves that it was just Travolta going to bat for his friend Adele Dazeem. Or is that Gazette Shazam? Maybe it’s Gazelle Kazoo? I don’t even know, but I do know I want this album:
Related: Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel And The Roots Perform Oscar Winner ‘Let It Go’ With Kiddie Instruments
(Via Team Coco)