Last night esteemed married couple Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally sat down with Seth Meyers for their first ever joint interview, and — while I would have preferred a bit more of the late night Offerman storytime I’ve grown accustomed to — the appearance wasn’t without highlights. I’ve counter-intuitively included part two of the interview above because that’s where Megan Mullally spits NSFW hot fire with little-to-know encouragement and Nick Offerman promotes 22 Jump Street by saying “Penis Action” over and over. It is the more eventful of the two clips.
Take notes, kids. The secret to enduring love is being weird together (and not shying away from talking sex in public).
Here’s part two where you get the behind-the-scenes look into Nick Offerman’s Will and Grace guest appearance, for those of you too cheap to spring for the box set.