‘Better Call Saul’ Has A Mysterious New Teaser Trailer And A Premiere Date

It’s been approximately an eternity since AMC announced that they were going ahead with Better Call Saul and in that time the show has been delayed once (originally it was supposed to air nowish) and pitched to prospective viewers on numerous occasions by way of weird country jams, super quick teasers, and premature billboards.

Today brings another teaser ad, this one featuring a vibrating bed and an ominously empty motel room. In that the show takes place six years prior to the start of Breaking Bad, I know that said motel room is not the last known sitting spot of Huell, the chubdorable henchman with a heart of gold, but a boy can dream. What the teaser ad also shows us is a start date for the show: Sunday February 8th at 10:00 PM. But while that seems like a sound spot for the show, subsequent episodes will air on Mondays at 10:00 PM with the first one set to air on February 9th.

Does this mean that AMC is ceding Sunday nights? Not entirely, but it’s an interesting strategy and it’s one that Dustin suggested a few months ago because, then as now, Sunday nights are chalk full of competition and other nights are a bit more open.

Now you’re getting ready to write “Who cares, I watch my TV whenever I want on my blippity blew…” in the comment section, but let me just say that I too love the freedom that blippity blew allows me, but others are stuck in a non-blippity blew existence and AMC has to keep that in mind too.

I also don’t think that this is a white flag or some kind of indication that AMC doesn’t believe in Better Call Saul. It’s just a different night with more potential for people to watch the show live and less distractions to drag their eyes away from it. Now go watch the the teaser again and giggle at the words “Tingle Fingers” one more time. I know I will.

Source: AMC