Like, literally everyone else in the business (yesterday, some sunburned schmuck handed me his business card that read his name, followed by “Show Me the Business” — that’s not a joke), Julia Louis-Dreyfus is in Austin, Texas for South by Southwest. She was there with her Veep co-stars Matt Walsh and Sam Richardson to talk about the new season and also to take credit for possibly the greatest Jonah burn in the show’s history.
“I’m happy to report that ‘Jolly Green Jizzface’ was mine,” she said.
She should put that on her business card. “Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Came Up with Jolly Green Jizzface.” Anyway, on her way to the event, JLD, whose favorite swear is “f*ck,” also met one of her biggest fans… who unfortunately doesn’t know how to spell her name.
You should see the sign this guy made for Zach Galifianakis. It’s basically wingdings.