Amy Schumer Reveals The Reason She Turned Down ‘The Daily Show’

We are well aware that there were many names being kicked around to take Jon Stewart’s place on The Daily Show before Trevor Noah eventually won the job. Amy Poehler and Louis C.K. were two big outside names mentioned in earlier reports, but Amy Schumer was also apparently tapped to be the new host and keep the role in the Comedy Central family.

Now The Daily Beast is reporting that Schumer was indeed offered the job to host the show, but decided to turn down the offer. It was a matter of weighing her options for the future against the prospect of taking over Comedy Central’s flagship show:

“I was so honored to be asked and considered. With Comedy Central, I project so much ‘You’re my parents!’ on the network and the people that run it, so them saying, ‘We believe in you and trust that you can do this,’ I thought, ‘Oh my god, thank you!’”

“And then I thought, ‘Well, I could give everyone I love a job and we could all be together for five years. But picturing being in a building and knowing what I was going to do for five years—I love not knowing. And I’ve never done anything safe or to make money for that reason. So, you know, I said, ‘I can’t start now.’”

The prospect of Schumer taking over the show is interesting, but I don’t think it is something I would personally want to see. Part of it is comparing to the Jon Stewart version of the show, but then the other part is thinking about where Schumer’s strength exists.

The idea of a relative unknown hosting the show is interesting and I look forward to see what Trevor Noah can do behind the desk.

(Via The Daily Beast)