The Gendry of books, The Winds of Winter, might be done. Or it might not be. No one, except George R.R. Martin (but not Gerge RR Marten), knows how close he is to completing it. Our most recent update came in April, when the Song of Ice and Fire author said he wanted to finish the sixth installment before the next season. “I wish it was out now,” he added, while inwardly cackling at all the fan-favorite characters he gruesomely murdered. That’s the official word.
But earlier this week, Jack Bender, who directed many episodes of Lost and Alias and will be behind the camera for Episodes 5 and 6 of Game of Thrones next season, may have given a little secret away during a Reddit AMA.
Were you able to read an advance copy of Book 6 of Game of Thrones to prepare for directing next season’s episodes?
Yes. (Via reddit)
His answer was quickly clarified — “A very reliable Watchers on the Wall source has confirmed to us that Bender hasn’t seen an advanced copy/draft of The Winds of Winter, and must have confused it with the Season 6 outline when answering the question” — but, I mean, the question wasn’t that confusing. Someone asked about Book 6, Bender replied he’d read it.
See how simple this is.
FAN: “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
BENDER: “Yes.”
He gets it. Expect the possibly-finished Winds of Winter to be released right before Season 6.
(Via Winter Is Coming)