In June, Game of Thrones once again broke our damn hearts by — spoiler coming, but you should know by now, damn it — seemingly killing fan-favorite know-nothing Jon Snow. Of course, we’re still in our denial and bargaining stages of grief, so we’re doubtful of anything Kit Harington and Maisie Williams have said about the character being genuinely dead, and we lost our damn minds when Harington was spotted growing his Jon Snow hair back and taking a flight to Belfast where Game of Thrones is currently filming.
Now another tidbit is getting our hopes up for a Jon Snow comeback. As Pedestrian reports, HBO sent out an email promoting their “Honour The Fallen: The Memoriam Collection” toys. The toy sale included several now-dead characters, including (spoilers ahead) Joffrey, The Hound, and Oberyn Martell. Noticeably absent from the Memoriam Collection was Jon Snow, presumably because all the Jon Snow toys are locked in a Schrödinger’s Box with Ser Pounce. HBO is just gleefully f*cking with us now.
Don’t you break our hearts again, HBO.
(Via Pedestrian)