Stephen Colbert Attempts To Explain The Plot Of ‘Star Wars’ To The Fine People Of China

It turns out that China is not joining in on the Star Wars fever that has currently captured the attention of people all around the globe. Stephen Colbert did a little bit of spotlighting and found that western media was still fairly censored in China back when the original Star Wars was released, so most folks end up remembering the film like this:

So to help out our fine friends in China, Colbert decided to describe the series in the most simple way possible and get them prepared for The Force Awakens. His method is to make it as ridiculous as possible (or at least make most of us feel ridiculous for liking it). Farm boys, criminals and screaming dog friends all help to save the galaxy from a handicapped wizard, all while wearing a Muppet as a backpack.

If that doesn’t get China interested, I don’t know what will. Giant robots riding dinosaurs that turn into Chinese soda machines? An extended scene that mentions planet China and the wonders of the Chinese culture? A documentary that showcases why General Tso’s chicken isn’t real Chinese food? The last one exists and is well worth the watch.

(Via The Late Show)