For the first time since before Two and a Half Men premiered, the U.S. won’t air the trashiest show on television. That honor will go to the United Kingdom’s Channel 5, the home of Autopsy, which has “recently explored the deaths of Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter, and Anna Nicole Smith,” according to the Daily Beast. In an upcoming episode of the grisly series, Robin Williams’ suicide will be restaged, with Alain Poudensan portraying the famed comedian. Fans of French pornography might know Poudensan as Alain L’Yle, the star of such adult classics as Violée elle en redemande encore (which translates to Raped She Asks For More) and his Good Will Hunting, 1983’s Ma culotte est mouillée, or as it’s known here in America, My Pants Are Wet.
Poudensan got the gig because he looks a lot like Williams. He has a website where he can be booked to play Mrs. Doubtfire at your next company party, birthday, or drag-themed Bat Mitzvah. He even took a photo with his idol, who he’ll now pretend to die as.
A spokesperson for [Channel 5], when reached for comment, would only say, “Yes, we are filming the program but have no further comment to make.” A source close to the show apparently told the Mirror, however, that producers have already decided to tone down the death scene for TV. (Via)
“We’re going to make this tasteless and abhorrent recreation of a suicide classy, we swear.”
I do want to hire Poudensan, though. He seems like fun.