Ahead of Powerless‘ early February premiere, NBC released a promo for its superhero-less sitcom featuring a rather familiar voice. None other than Batman himself, Adam West, offered his iconic vocals for a short teaser — as well as a Wayne Security commercial featured in the premiere episode, “Wayne or Lose.” Aside from these two instances, however, the star of the ’60s Batman television series and Batman: The Movie has busied himself with other Batman-related projects. Or, at least that was the case until Entertainment Weekly announced a new temporary addition to the Powerless roster.
The 88-year-old actor will play Wayne Industries Chairman Dean West, whose parent company oversees Van Wayne’s (Alan Tudyk) fledgling company. Following an unspecified, but otherwise major attack on the much larger (and better known) Gotham City, West pays Wayne and his team a visit in Charm City to “make some cuts” and “deliver the bad news” about said cuts.
Powerless‘ ratings haven’t been the best since the premiere, which scored a 1.1 in the demo and 3.1 million viewers, as the sophomore episode “Wayne Dream Team” demonstrated a noticeable downturn in viewership. Specifically, the numbers dropped down to a 0.8. demo and 2.5 million total viewers — respective drops of 19 and 27 percent. These lower ratings have remained largely unchanged, albeit with the occasional decrease, in the weeks since. But who knows? Maybe Adam Dean West’s new pot roast recipe will cheer up the Wayne Security crew and the fans watching at home.
This pot roast even better than the last. Will write down my recipe if you want it! pic.twitter.com/vu2wIPhydm
— Adam West (@therealadamwest) January 23, 2017
(Via Entertainment Weekly)