One of the most famous utterances made by President Lyndon B. Johnson came from the former Texas senator’s comment about his “bunghole” in a recorded telephone conversation concerning his pants size. It was 1964, and the 36th President of the United States was ordering custom slacks for himself. The recordings were released to the public long ago, and while a clever animation reinvigorated the internet’s interest in Johnson’s Johnson for a time, Breaking Bad alum Bryan Cranston’s take on the heir to John F. Kennedy in the upcoming HBO film, All the Way is sure to bring it back around.
The first teaser gave audiences a quick preview of the more dramatic aspects of Cranston’s take on Johnson, which he originated with the 2012 play by Robert Schenkkan. However, this second look provides a lighter look at the so-called “accidental president.” Yes, the television movie is still concerned with Johnson’s efforts to pass his predecessor’s Civil Rights bill, and yes, the racial tensions of the ’60s are still very much a part of the context of All the Way‘s drama.
But leave it to Cranston-as-Johnson to break the mood by telling his personal tailor to “leave me some slack for my nutsack” while grabbing his crotch. The scene is obviously set somewhere in the White House, and per the manner in which the trailer was cut, it looks a helluva lot like Anthony Mackie’s Martin Luther King, Jr. sees him do it.
Isn’t history amazing?