It’s been a busy couple of months for Allison Williams. First she avoided both Christopher Walken and our snarky tweets while flying around as Peter Pan, then she got her butt eaten on Girls. That’s more than most people accomplish in years. Her fanbase has presumably expanded as wide as, well, y’know, but one guy is off the bumwagon after watching the Girls premiere.
The one with the butt eating (that’s my favorite episode of Friends, by the way).
As discovered by Brooklyn Magazine, that comment appears below the New York Times recap of last week’s Girls, before the episode where Hannah and Elijah attend the only undergraduate party with a kiddie pool full of paint ever. Normally, I’d assume it’s FFFaKkEeeeE, probably written by the same sort of wisenheimer who mock-tweeted Peter Pan, but it’s the New York Times.
If we can’t trust randos expressing their disbelief about butts there, where can we?
Via BK Magazine