It is a tried and true internet fact that incongruous commentary mashed up with nature documentaries is always hilarious. While Snoop Dogg narrating Planet Earth is the high mark, this Netflix glitch led to a hilarious contender for the comedy crown. Imgur user BenMeiri84 recently posted a hilarious gallery of images, claiming that a glitch on Netflix had caused subtitles from Aziz Ansari’s Netflix special, Live at Madison Square Garden, to show up on Planet Earth. Honestly, they fit together perfectly.
Whether this is a fake or an honest-to-god glitch, it is the perfect reminder that the animal world and the human one really aren’t all that different. Didn’t we learn anything from Mean Girls?
Honestly, after checking out these photos, all I can think about is how incredible an episode of Planet Earth narrated by Ansari in character as Tom Haverford would be. Do these animals indulge in Treat Yo Self days? Do they have red carpet lining the soles of their shoes? These are questions that the people need answered. Still, the relationship drama and existential crisis that Ansari convey’s so perfectly in his comedy matches so hilariously well with these images that it seems ungrateful to ask for more.
(Via Yahoo!)