Fifteen years after the cancellation of the best cancelled-too-soon series of all-time, Freaks and Geeks, Seth Rogen fulfilled a personal dream of sorts: He finally got to confront the man who made the decision to cancel it.
Last night I was in a room with the dude who cancelled Freaks and Geeks. And yes, I did totally call him out on it.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) October 12, 2014
It was over the weekend, when Rogen and his wife were hanging out with Paul Rudd backstage at Saturday Night Live. He overheard someone mention the guy’s name, who Rogen did not reveal. But, as Rogen said, his ears perked up. “I know his name, obviously, because we’ve talked about how stupid he is for the last 15 years,” he told HuffPost Live.
Rogen pointed the guy out to Paul Rudd, and said, “This is the guy who cancelled Freaks and Geeks,” and Rudd was like, “Oh, so you’re the guy?! What’s THAT feel like?!”
Rogen then began discussing the cancellation with the unnamed executive, and the dude idiotically attempted to defend himself. “He was like, ‘You know, Judd [Apatow, ‘Freaks and Geeks‘ executive producer] wouldn’t listen to my notes.’ I was like, ‘The notes probably were stupid,'” Rogen said. “He oddly dug in and kind of tried to justify it.”
The guy’s notes, apparently, asked Apatow to give the characters in the show “a victory,” because the executive clearly didn’t understand the nature of the show because “he went to a private school and was very rich as a child.”
I know the executive is defending himself and all, but you know, deep, deep down there’s a kernel of a soul, and that soul of his probably wakes him up in the middle of every night burning with shame. That is a burden I’d never want to carry, like being the guy who pulled a lever that killed Santa Claus.
Source: HuffPost Live (video at the source)