‘I Forgive You’: Beverly Johnson Wants To Leave Bill Cosby To The Justice System

Beverly Johnson is out promoting her new memoir, The Face That Changed It All, but the groundbreaking supermodel knows that throughout her press tour, there is a big, Jell-O hocking elephant in the room. Back in December, Johnson came forward as one of the dozens of women accusing disgraced comedian Bill Cosby of drugging and/or sexually assaulting them. In a long Vanity Fair article, Johnson declared “Bill Cosby Drugged Me” and went on to describe how Cosby invited her over to his home in the beginning of her career and allegedly drugged her, probably to assault her, but he didn’t get the chance. But her story, and those of the women who came forward before she did, led to an eventual 40-plus accusers to speak publicly about their own stories.

But while the legal representatives get cracking on the follow-up, Johnson is coming to terms with the personal way this has affected her and forgiving Cosby. “What would you say to Bill Cosby” was the first question that Good Morning America host Amy Robach asked Johnson, and her answer was cut and dried: “I forgive you.”

And when asked what should happen to him, Johnson said that it should be left up to “the Justice Department,” which sounds like some pretty high-falutin’ legal problems for Cosby, but Johnson was most likely referring to the legal system. No charges have been filed against Cosby, but the number of accusers continues to grow.

Here is the full interview:

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Source: TMZ, Good Morning America