In the spirit of the Space Jam website, Homer’s web page and, Netflix and the creators of Bojack Horseman have created this throwback promotional website for the character of Bojack Horseman which ostensibly has not been updated since the ’90s, A note to keep your speakers turned down because upon entering, the theme song from “Horsin’ Around” loudly and immediately stars playing, which you can thankfully turn off with the option at the top of the page: “Music? Yeah! / Neigh Way Jose!”
The pun-filled page intro reads:
Hay! I didn’t see you there! My name is BoJack Horseman and you just galloped your way onto my new Internet “web” page. You may know me from the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award-winning sitcom, Horsin’ Around. But I’m more than just a long face. Feel free to look around and enjoy the “site”s.
I have no idea if this has been around since Season 1 or it’s something that’s just been created to get fans excited for Season 2. Either way, it’s working. Make sure to check the page source code for an ascii Easter Egg, and feel free to contact Bojack “via electronic mail” at
Via Reddit