In response to President Trump’s alleged “sh*thole counties” remark regarding the island nation of Haiti and the African continent, Conan O’Brien announced a new travel special. Conan In Haiti would follow in the footsteps of previous destination-themed episodes like Conan In Mexico and Conan In Armenia, and it would be happening relatively soon. In fact, O’Brien and his team hooked up with a Haitian television crew and spent a long weekend filming their for the new special. On Monday, the Conan host offered a short preview of Conan In Haiti, which will air this Saturday, January 27th at 10pm ET on TBS.
“President Trump insulted Haiti,” O’Brien says in the clip, “so I thought it was only fair to give Haitians a chance to return the favor.” In the clip above, several Haitians (and a seemingly random Norwegian woman) interviewed by the Conan team do just that. Some of the better insults include:
- “We have beautiful golf courses here, Mr. President. Please come and cheat on them.”
- “I want to send a message of love to the leader of America. Oprah, we love you!”
- “President Trump, I am from Norway, and I live in Haiti. I would like to immigrate to the USA after 2020.”
Seriously though, we love you, Oprah. Please stop gifting us with bees.