Divisive comics bigshot Frank Miller isn’t immune to 2015’s most popular question: “So… have you watched Daredevil on Netflix yet?” The answer might bum you out a tad.
According to Bleeding Cool, a question about Miller’s potential viewership of the Marvel small screen offering bubbled up at Brazil’s CCXP comic book show. You might imagine a dude that had such a major impact on the character of Daredevil and the world he lived in might want to give the critically-fawned-over series a watch, but that’s not the case. Miller simply said “no” when asked if he’d checked the show out.
Not only did Miller state that he never watched the show, but he also expressed disappointment that Elektra will be popping up in season two.
“They can call it whatever you want, but it will not be the real Elektra,” said Miller of the character he created more than 30 years back.
Asked if he felt like Elektra Natchios’ dad, he responded with “Yes, I’m her father.”
The second season of Daredevil, which includes Elektra and The Punisher entering the mix, is due to arrive on Netflix in 2016. Provided your name doesn’t end in “_rank Miller” and you haven’t directed The Spirit, we recommend revisiting the early preview that emerged a couple months back.
(Via Comics Alliance)