David Spade On Seeing Melissa McCarthy As Chris Farley: ‘What The F*ck Is Going On?’

SNL 40th Anniversary Special - 2015
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David Spade stopped by The Howard Stern Show this morning, where he talked about Joe Dirt 2 and once hitting on Ellen DeGeneres back in the day, as well as his involvement in SNL 40. Specifically, Howard asked him what it was like to see Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation of his close friend and comedy partner, Chris Farley.

As it turns out, no one told Spade that McCarthy would be impersonating Farley for SNL 40, which caused some uncomfortableness when Spade and Adam Sandler caught sight of her backstage. Although he concedes that once he realized what was going on, he was fine with it, and that he knows — as McCarthy mentioned on Stern last week — she herself was put in the tough position of portraying her idol. But still, a friendly head’s up maybe would have been nice?

He says: “First of all, I think she’s great. She’s hilarious, and she’s good and everything. I don’t know her well, I’ve seen her in passing, she’s sweet to me. Ah, I have to say, I was backstage with Sandler of all people, and we looked up at the screen and saw that, and we both went, ‘What the f*ck is going on?’ Without the context, I didn’t know what was going on, and we both… it sorta put us off for a second ’cause I didn’t know what was happening.”

You can listen to his complete thoughts below. (Refresh page if player doesn’t load.)

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