Every episode of “The Wire” opens with a line of dialogue that appears later in that episode. Generally, it offers some insight to theme or characterization (Bunk’s “A man must have a code”); sometimes it’s one of the series’ classic lines (Omar’s “You come at the king, you best not miss”); and in a couple instances it’s not dialogue at all (the Season 4 finale’s “If animal trapped call 410-844-6286”). My favorite: Kima’s “If I hear music, I’m gonna dance.”
This supercut compiles, in order, all the scenes where a character says the episode’s epigraph. If you’ve never seen “The Wire,” it won’t do much for you. But then, if you’ve never seen “The Wire,” you don’t do much for me. Just watch it already. The reason everyone raves about how it’s the best TV show ever made is because it’s the best TV show ever made. You’re not being cool by holding out. Do yourself the favor of watching sixty awesome hours of TV.
[The High Definite via BroBible. List of epigraphs here.]